
Velociraptor builds apps using Heroku buildpacks. Builds are done in temporary containers where the untrusted app and buildpack code can’t do harm to the rest of the system.


Velociraptor’s build tool is called vr.builder, and can be installed like a normal Python package:

pip install vr.builder

That package provides a ‘vbuild’ command line tool that takes two arguments:

  1. A subcommand of either ‘build’ or ‘shell’.
  2. The path to a yaml file that specifies the app, version, and buildpacks to be used to do the build.

Here’s an example invocation of the vbuild command:

vbuild build my_app.yaml

The vbuild tool must be run as root, as root permissions are (currently) required to launch LXC containers.

The YAML file

The yaml file given to vbuild should have the following keys

  • app_name: Should be both filesystem-safe and have no dashes or spaces.
  • app_repo_type: Should be either ‘git’ or ‘hg’.
  • app_repo_url: The location of the app’s Git or Mercurial repository.
  • version: The tag, branch, or revision hash to check out from the app repository. This must be a string. If your version number looks like a float (e.g. 9.0) then you must enclose it in quotes to make YAML treat it as a string.
  • buildpack_urls: A list of URLs to the buildpacks that are allowed to build the app. Each buildpack’s ‘detect’ script will be run against the app in order to determine which buildpack to run. If none matches, the vbuild command will exit with an error. To specify a particular version of a buildpack, include the revision hash as the fragment portion of the URL.

Here’s an example of a valid build yaml file:

app_name: vr_python_example
app_repo_type: hg
version: v3

If you know which buildpack you want you can specify it directly with the buildpack_url field:

app_name: vr_python_example
app_repo_type: hg
version: v3

If you specify both a buildpack_url and a buildpack_urls list, the singular buildpack_url setting will take precedence.

When you launch a build from Velociraptor’s web interface, the build start message will include the YAML used to do the build (click the wrench to see the dialog with the YAML). You can copy/paste this into a local YAML file and run vbuild yourself to debug any problems with the build.


When the build has completed there should be three new files in your current working directory:

  • build.tar.gz will contain the compiled result of the build.
  • build_result.yaml will contain metadata about the build. A build_result.yaml file can be fed back to vbuild to do the build over again with the same versions, buildpacks, etc.
  • compile.log will contain all the output from running the buildpack’s ‘compile’ script on your app. (In cases where none of the listed buildpacks can detect your app, compile.log will not be present.)

The Shell Command and Environment

In addition to the ‘build’ subcommand, the vbuild tool provides a ‘shell’ subcommand. You run it like this:

vbuild shell my_app.yaml

The shell subcommand works with the same YAML format as the build subcommand.

If you find that a build is failing for some reason you can use ‘vbuild shell’ to get a shell in the build environment and debug the problem. You will have exactly the same environment variables set, and the buildpacks and app code will be checked out and mounted into your container exactly as they are at build time.

You can also run the same script that Velociraptor runs inside the container to execute the buildpack:

/ /build/* /cache/buildpack_cache

Read the comments and source in for more details.

Checkouts and Caches

The vbuild tool keeps caches and copies of repositories on the local filesystem in order to speed up compilation on subsequent builds. All of these are kept under /apps/builder.

  • Applications are kept under /apps/builder/repo, and should be identifiable by the app_name provided in the YAML file.
  • Buildpacks are kept under /apps/builder/buildpacks.
  • The caches used by buildpacks are kept under /apps/builder/cache

In all cases, folder names will be appended with an MD5 hash of the app’s or buildpack’s URL. This avoids collisions when two apps or buildpacks use the same name.

It is safe to delete the app repos, buildpacks, or caches saved by vbuild. The vbuild tool will re-download any repositories or re-create any directories it needs. Deletion of buildpack caches in particular is sometimes necessary if a buildpack gets a cache into a weird state.