

The smoothest way to get running is to start up a VM with the included Vagrantfile. This requires having VirtualBox and Vagrant installed. Go do that now.

You’ll need a local clone of the Velociraptor repo:

git clone --recursive

Now launch vagrant:

cd velociraptor
vagrant up

Now go make a sandwich while you wait for the Ubuntu Trusty VM image to download (about 430MB).

Installation of system-level dependencies inside the VM is done automatically using Vagrant’s Puppet provisioner. This includes some normal apt packages, (curl, Vim, Postgres), and some installed with pip (Mercurial and Virtualenv). You can see the Puppet manifest at puppet/manifests/vr.pp.

The first time you ‘vagrant up’, the Puppet provisioning could take about 5 minutes. It will be faster on later startups, since most packages will already be installed.

Once the image is all downloaded and Puppet has run, log in with:

vagrant ssh

You’re now inside your new Vagrant VM! The Velociraptor repo will be at /vagrant. Now make a Python virtualenv for yourself. It will use Python 2.7 by default. Virtualenvwrapper is pre-installed to make this extra easy:

mkvirtualenv velo

Python Dependencies

Velociraptor contains a dev_requirements.txt file listing its dev-time Python dependencies. You can install the dependencies with this:

cd /vagrant
pip install -r dev_requirements.txt


There is a dbsetup.sql file included that contains commands for creating the Postgres database used by Velociraptor:

psql -U postgres -f dbsetup.sql

Once your database is created, you’ll need to create the tables:

python -m vr.server.manage syncdb --noinput
python -m vr.server.manage loaddata bootstrap.json

The schema is created with an initial user admin with password password.

As Velociraptor is developed and the DB schema changes, you can run python -m vr.server.manage migrate again to get your local DB schema in sync with the code.

Dev Server

The Velociraptor server is composed of three processes:

  1. The main Django web service.
  2. A Celery daemon that starts and controls one or more workers.
  3. A ‘celerybeat’ process that puts maintenance jobs on the Celery queue at preconfigured times.

There is a Procfile included with Velociraptor that can be used to run a development environment with these processes. You can use Foreman to read the Procfile and start the processes it lists:

foreman start -f

That will start the Django dev server on port 8000, the Celery workers, and the celerybeat process.

Now open your web browser and type in http://localhost:8000. You should see Velociraptor. (The Vagrantfile is configured to forward ports 8000, 9001, and 5000-5009 to the VM. If you need these ports back for other development, you can stop your Vagrant VM with a vagrant halt.)

Add Metadata


In order to build and deploy your apps, Velociraptor needs to be told where they are and how to build them. The ‘how to build them’ part is done with Heroku buildpacks. Go to http://localhost:8000/buildpack/add/ in your browser in order to add a buildpack. You will need to enter the git (or mercurial) repository URL, as well as an integer for the ‘order’. See the Heroku buildpack documentation to understand more about how buildpacks work and why order matters. For now, just add a single buildpack, and set its order to ‘0’. A good one to start is the NodeJS buildpack.

Squads and Hosts

In order for Velociraptor to know where to deploy an application, it requires some hostnames. Velociraptor does load balanced deployments across a group of hosts called a “Squad”. Go to http://localhost:8000/squad/add/ to create a new squad. Call it whatever you like (I suggest ‘local’). Squad names must be unique. Then add a host; go to http://localhost:8000/host/add/ and give the squad a host named ‘vr-master’, which is the hostname of the Vagrant VM itself.

Stacks and Images

Velociraptor uses a container based system for isolating the execution environments of each application.

A “legacy” stack is provided but deprecated.

Instead, create a trusty stack. Use the base trusty image per docs.

Provision the stack with the ‘’ file from the Velociraptor repository. You must also provide name and description. Use “trusty” for both.

The provisioning script takes some time as it needs to download, expand, and mount the base image, run the provisioning script in a container for that image, collect the image back into an archive, and upload the image to the Velociraptor image repository.

Watch the “worker” log for progress and wait for a green cube icon in the UI. The process takes most of 20 minutes.


Now tell Velociraptor about your code! Go to http://localhost:8000/app/add/ and give the name, repo url, and repo type (git or hg) of your application. If you don’t have one around, try the vr_node_example app. The name you give to your app should have only letters, numbers, and underscores (no dashes or spaces).

You can leave the ‘buildpack’ field blank. Velociraptor will use the buildpacks’ built-in ‘detect’ feature to determine which buildpack to use on your app.

Select “trusty” for the stack.


Swarms are where Velociraptor all comes together. A swarm is a group of processes all running the same code and config, and load balanced across one or more hosts. Go to http://localhost:8000/swarm/ to create yours. Here’s what all the form fields mean:

  • App: Select your app from this drop down.
  • Tag: This is where you set the version of the code that Velociraptor should check out and build. You can use almost any tag, branch name, bookmark, or revision hash from your version control system (any valid ‘git checkout’ or ‘hg update’ target), as long as it does not contain invalid characters for use in file names/directory names (most notably, /). Use ‘v5’ for the vr_node_example.
  • Proc name: The name of the proc that you want to run in this swarm (from the Procfile). Type in ‘web’ for vr_node_example.
  • Config Name: This is a short name like ‘prod’ or ‘europe’ to distinguish between deployments of the same app. Must be filesystem-safe, with no dashes or spaces. Use ‘demo’ here for vr_node_example.
  • Squad: Here you declare which group of hosts this swarm should run on. If you set up the squad as indicated earlier in this walkthrough, you should be able to select ‘local’ here.
  • Size: The number of procs to put in the swarm. Try 2 for now.
  • Config YAML: Here you can enter optional YAML text that will be written to the remote host when your app is deployed. Your app can find the location of this YAML file from the APP_SETTINGS_YAML environment variable.
  • Env YAML: Here you can enter YAML text to specify additional environment variables to be passed in to your app.
  • Pool: If your app accepts requests over a network, you can use this “pool” field to tell your load balancer what name to use for the routing pool. By default Velociraptor talks only to an in memory stub balancer called “Dummy”. For the walkthrough, leave this field blank. To configure a real load balancer, see docs/balancers.rst in the Velociraptor repo. Velociraptor supports nginx, Varnish, and Stingray load balancers. This interface is pluggable, so you can also create your own.
  • Balancer: Here you select which balancer should be told to route traffic to your swarm. For the walkthrough, leave this field blank.

Now click Swarm. Velociraptor will start a series of worker tasks to check out the buildpack, check out your code, download the image, compile your code in the image, save the resulting build, push it out to the hosts in the squad along with any config you’ve specified, and launch the code within the stack image. The Swarm Flow diagram in the docs folder illustrates the process.


Run the tests with py.test from the root of the repo after installing the dev requirements:

cd /vagrant
pip install -r dev_requirements.txt

The tests will automatically set up and use separate databases from the default development ones.

While developing, you might want to speed up tests by skipping the database creation (and just re-using the database from the last run). You can do so like this:

py.test --nodb

This should be safe as long as we keep using randomly-generated usernames, etc., inside tests.

Editing Code

Running the code inside a VM does not mean that you need to do your editing there. Since the project repo is mounted inside the VM, you can do your editing on the outside with your regular tools, and the code running on the inside will stay in sync.


All frontend interfaces rely on a ‘VR’ javascript object defined in deployment/static/js/vr.js. Individual pages add their own sub-namespaces like VR.Dash and VR.Squad, using vrdash.js and vrsquad.js, for example.

Velociraptor uses goatee.js templates (a Django-friendly fork of mustache.js). They are defined as HTML script blocks with type “text/goatee”.

Velociraptor makes liberal use of jQuery, Backbone, and Underscore.

Repositories (and Submodules)

Velociraptor is a suite of projects in the vr namespace. Each of these projects are a separate repository, linked by the parent repository using git submodules.

If you’re committing to the project, you’ll want to first configure the parent repository to automatically push commits in subrepos referenced by the parent:

$ git config push.recurseSubmodules on-demand