
Velociraptor’s volumes feature allows you to specify one or more directories on the host to be mounted inside the container.


The volumes feature is a departure from Velociraptor’s normal requirement that applications be completely stateless (i.e. 12 Factor-compliant). With volumes, applications may maintain some state between deployments by reading from and writing to persistent files on the local disk.


Volumes are specified in the user interface by entering YAML configuration into the Swarm or Release forms. In both cases, the YAML should be a list of host dir, mountpoint pairs:

- [/var/data, /data]

In that example, the host’s /var/data folder will be mounted inside the application’s container at /data.

You may specify multiple volumes for a container:

- [/var/data, /data]
- [/blahblah/cache, /cache]

Because YAML supports multiple ways of encoding the same structure, you are likely to see notation different from the above when viewing volumes in the UI. This format is equivalent to the above:

- - /var/data
  - /data
- - /blahblah/cache
  - /cache


Volumes are implemented using bind mounts written into the proc’s LXC container configuration. They will not automatically modify any permissions on the files in the volume in order to make them readable or writable by your application. It is up to you to ensure that the permissions are appropriately set, and then use the ‘Run as’ field in the Swarm and Release forms to make your application run as the right user.